Battle for Heroes is an interesting story about the Holly Sun Empire. In a peaceful country, suddenly, the beautiful princess has been kidnapped by dangerous zombies. Everyone is very anxious about the safety of the princess. In here, you will appear as a brave hero who will lead troops to save princess and country from evil. If you want to play more similar BATTLE FOR HEROES game, check out Zoxy Games Now !
Controk keys :
- 1 - Select the 1st Lane
- 2 - Select the 2nd Lane
- 3 - Select the 3rd Lane
- Q - Select Magic Spell level 1
- W - Select Magic Spell level 2
- E - Select Magic Spell level 3
- A - Move Camera to the Left
- D - Move Camera to the Right
Game Tips
Marching your troops together will give them a higher chance to win than if you march your troops alone. Each hero has different abilities. Try to see which one is more suited to you play style. You should prioritize the safety of you gold miners first. Use your radar to see what is happening on the battlefield. When you upgrade your gold, you will get troop cost reduction too. Some of the heroes' abilities have synergy with their other abilities. Try to cut the enemy's ware in the middle with your magic. Doing so will help your troops in winning the lane. Marching your troops together will give them a higher chance to win than if your march your troops alone.